Online Translation: The study of Translated Islamic Texts
Part 1 & 2: Theory and practice
This course tries to pinpoint the problems that a translator could face when translating Islamic religious items from L1 to L2. It is known among translators that such items pose serious problems and challenges because of their unique cultural patterns that may not be available in the target language. Due to lack of resources, capacities, as well as time, we try to study problems of translating Islamic religious items from L1 to L2. It starts with giving an accurate definition of Islamic religious items. Next, it transmits an idea about the interrelationship between culture, language and translation. Then, it offers the requirements that a translator of Islamic religious items needs so that he can produce an accurate and appropriate piece of translation, and the problems faced when doing so. Last, theoretical implications of the process of translation are discussed together with a variety of strategies that could be useful in translating Islamic religious items from L1 to L2. In sum, this course aims to help establish through practical application of translation approaches a framework for the translation of Islamic religious items from L1 to L2.