Exercises: WWP Module

By New words, New Discourse Markers, New Structures, New Sentence Combination Rules and a Perfect Outline answer the following questions about the Passage:

  1. With what is the author primarily concerned?

The topic of the passage is ...

The subject of the passage is ...

The main idea of the passage is ...

The author’s main point in the passage is ...

The author is primarily concerned with ...

The best title for this paragraph / text / passage would be ...


  1. How is the information in the passage organized?

The general nature of the text / paragraph / lecture is ...… . Depending on the topic question it is organized by contrasting information / by explaining steps in a process / by explaining features of characteristics / by chronological order / a combination of gist and detail questions …...


  1. What is your opinion about the subject of the passage?

For my own part, I believe / think

Frankly, I believe

I am assured and fully believe

I am one of those who believe

I firmly believe that

I personally believe / think

Mainly, I believe that


  1. What are the Pros / Cons of the message of the passage?

The pros / cons are (not) varied in this text

One advantage / disadvantage is that …

(The second / another) advantage / disadvantage is that …

On the (plus / minus) side….

(An immeasurable/ funny / unbelievable) (advantage / disadvantage) is that …

It is advantageous to (v.) …


  1. What do you agree / disagree about the topic and the contents of the passage? Which part?

There are several points I (dis)agree with…

I certainly / partly / wholly / thoroughly (dis)agree with…

I would agree if I understood

I can hardly agree with (you / the point) that…

…. I cannot, therefore, (dis)agree with

…. I entirely (dis)agree upon this point


  1. What do / don’t you recommend others about the passage?

I can strongly recommend (sb) to do …

I certainly do not recommend (sb) to do …

I need not specially recommend to (sb) to do...

I would recommend to your consideration

It gives (me/us) pleasure to recommend (sb) to do…


  1. What is the tone of the passage? How do you know? Prove it?

The author is showing some emotion rather than just presenting facts by some clues throughout the passage, for example in paragraph … line … the tone of the passage is …. because …

Based on paragraph … line …, the tone of the passage is …. because …


  1. What is the author’s purpose in this passage? How do you know? Prove it?

The conclusion about the purpose from the main idea and supporting ideas is that …

Based on paragraph … line …, the author’s purpose in this passage is …. because …


  1. What is the intent of the passage? How do you know? Prove it?

The conclusion about the intent from the main idea and supporting ideas is that …

Based on paragraph … line …, the author’s intent in this passage is …. because …


  1. In which course would this passage be assigned? How do you know? Prove it?

The conclusion about the course from the main idea and supporting ideas is that …

Based on paragraph … line …, this passage would probably be assigned reading in a course on …. Because…


  1. If you were the writer of the passage what changes would you apply to make it more effective?

If I were the author of the passage I would … (develop / alter / separate / focus on / explain / describe / give reasons for / exemplify / compare / add / decrease / increase …


  1. What information in the passage can be used in your real life? How? Show examples.

The information in paragraph …. line … has taught me to …. in my real life…

I / We heartily appreciate any information about … because it can ….

We are always glad to use information such as …… in ….

I can apply … to / in my real life

I think it's time to adopt a different strategy in my dealings with ….


  1. What are your assumptions about the characters of the Passage? (They might have done…)

They might have done…

It is commonly assumed that

It is greatly assumed that


  1. What advice would you like to give the characters of the Passage? (If I were them, I would…)

If I were (him / her /them), I would…


  1. What are your feedbacks & critical comments on the passage?


  • I personally believe
  • If you ask me …
  • Another thing is that …
  • That’s not the point.
  • The point I’m trying to make is that …
  • To tell you the truth …
  • I suppose the problem is that …
  • As far as I’m concerned …
  • Anyway, as I was saying …
  • If you want my opinion …
  • As I understand it …
  • But the main point is that …
  • What really worries me is that …

Critical Comments:

• My questions are
• My analysis is
• My interpretations are
• My evaluation is
• My judgements are