New Registration: How to register your online classroom

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Follow the following steps to register:


  1. Download and read the "Regulations and commitment letter for registration of Payam Persa Online Institute"
  2. Complete the Personal Information form for registration (available in your classroom)
  3. Complete the Placement test form (available in your classroom)
  4. Completely study the advantages of online education on this platform


Important details:

For optimal use, please use the Windows operating system and the Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser. It is not recommended to use a mobile phone, but if necessary, use the Firefox browser on a mobile phone.


If you are using a mobile phone, click on "Classrooms" from the four-line menu on the top right, and if you are using a Windows operating system, click on "Classrooms" on the left menu. For support, refer to the Help > support section.

After reading "the text of the rules and regulations, the letter of commitment, and the registration contract for Payam Persa Online Institute" first, complete the "registration form" and then participate in the "Placement Test" in the next step. Then call 09133899668 or 03152239990 during office hours from 8 to 13 and from 15 to 20. You can also contact us during non-office hours through Social Media using the following instructions:


Download Gap Messenger to support registration and classes. First, insert the number 09133899668 in the contacts list and send a message or send a message to the username @onlinelearning in the same messenger.

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