مزیتهای آموزش آموزش آنلاین زبان انگلیسی پیام پرسا


Advantages of the online learning in Payampersa (http://ppli.ir)

  1. Lower costs
  2. Less Pressure
  3. Flexibility
  4. Skill development
  5. Individual instruction
  6. Networking Opportunities
  7. Location
  8. Comfort
  9. Transferring Credits
  10. Discipline
  11. Accreditation
  12. Creativity

Payampersa Online Learning (POL) explores ways that the online classroom, or online learning, is more effective than the face-to-face classroom.  Traditional college students (ages 18 - 22) and non-traditional students (adult learners) both have the availability of using the online classroom from anywhere at anytime, with an internet connection.  Online classrooms have the same requirements as the traditional classrooms:  attendance, homework, discussions, projects, quizzes, tests and required participation.  Online classrooms are beneficial to students, instructors and institutions.

Payampersa Online classrooms are more effective than face-to-face classrooms for many people; students, instructors and institutions.  Traditional and non-traditional students can take more classes, whenever and wherever, without physically going to a classroom.  Students have more flexibility with time and location, number of classes, saving money, work and family life.  Instructors also benefit from online classes since they can teach many different people in different locations outside of one classroom.  They also have more flexibility with time and location, work and family life.  Colleges and universities are growing larger and creating new classes and more degrees.  This new tool of technology and the use of online classrooms will continue to help many more people in the future.

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