Log in Classroom

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Payampersa Classroom Management

Start, Stay, Succeed, Save

1. Password: Password must contain at least 10 characters including digits, uppercase characters, and special characters.
Digits: 0,1,2,…
Uppercase: A,B,C…
Small letters: a,b,c…
Special characters: !@#$,....

2. How to log in to your Classroom:
We recommend the Microsoft Windows operating system Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browsers for the best performance. We also recommend the Firefox browser on your Cell phone.
After you log in, if you are using a mobile phone, click on “Classrooms” from the four-line menu on the top right, and if you are using a Windows operating system, click on “Classrooms” on the left menu. For support, refer to the Help > support section.
You can also click on the following link to enter the class:


Note: According to the following picture, if you are a new student or if you do not have a username/password, please click on the Registration Button:

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